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Assetto Corsa: Обновление бета-версии 0.2

Компания Kunos Simulazioni выпустила первое плановое обновление для своего симулятора Assetto Corsa, находящегося на стадии бета-версии.

В обновлении Assetto Corsa "Раннего Доступа" под индексом 0.2 были исправлены ранее обнаруженные ошибки, добавлены некоторые новые функции и новый контент, включающий в себя три новых автомобиля – Lotus 2-Eleven, Pagani Zonda R и Glickenhaus Competizione P4/5, и две новых трассы – итальянская Мюджелло и трасса для дрифта Drift circuit.

Мультиплеера в обновленной версии еще нет, как обещают разработчики, онлайн будет добавлен в третьем обновлении, т.е. через 4 недели. А пока мы приглашаем всех проверить свои силы в Хотлап-чемпионате, подробности в этой теме форума. Также присоединяйтесь к группе Assetto Corsa вКонтакте.

Оригинальный список изменений Assetto Corsa Early Access 0.2

Early Access 0.2

- Achievement, stats fixed and updated, you can read them using SteamStatisticsReader
- Added Pagani Zonda R

- Added P4/5 Competizione Scuderia Cameron-Glickenhaus – Added Lotus 2 Eleven
- Added Mugello Circuit
- Added Drift Track

- Added M3 E30 Step 1 upgrade
- Added M3 E92 Step 1 upgrade
- Added M3 E92 Drift upgrade
- Added Z4 35is Step 1 upgrade
- Updated M3 E30 power curve
- Updated tyre model for all cars
- Updated tyre wear for slicks tyres
- Fixed TC not working after change of tyre compound
- Implemented non linear speedometer (BMW M3 E92)
- acs.exe Localization now reads from INIReaderW, localization files updated – problems related to windows user names with strange characters solved

- update showroom & showroom localization
- x360 rumble intensity multiplier
- new drift mode, it is based on score and time not laps
- sectors status in time transponder is reset after each lap
- Driver Eyes Positioner is Default app (localization added)
- Fixed replay loading with cars (wing problem)
- Fixed replay GUI (slider)
- Fixed turbo still producing boost even after fuel went zero
- Better engine coast at near minimum rpm, no need half gas to move the needle anymore
- Implemented “FF Enhancements”
- Improved AA algorithm selection
- New gamma curves for power and coast audio samples
- Reverb effect removed
- New default volumes preset
- Engine volume tweaked for all cars
- Backfire samples tweaked for all cars (that have them)
- Rumble strip, tyre rolling, tyre scrubs and wind samples tweaked
- BMW M3 e30 interior sounds improved
- BMW M3 e30 fixed missing gearshift sounds
- BMW M3 GT2 interior and exterior sounds improved
- Tatuus FA01 interior sounds improved
- KTM X-Bow interior sounds improved
- Ferrari 458 Italia overall engine pitch tweaked
- Lotus 49 interior sounds improved
- Lotus Elise SC and Scura engine and compressor volume levels tweaked
- Control presets support added in control config
- Launcher defaults to software rendering mode – option added for GPU acceleration – Added localization for german and spanish languages
- Added extra options for control configuration of FFB, Xbox360 pads and keyboard – Added support and UI selection for car upgrades
- Added selection for showrooms
- Added drift mode selection
- Added drift session results display
- Fix for possible crash in certain control configuration timing (device permissions revoked during control binding)
- Replay saving button will now work when returning from a session to a modal view of the session results.

- Exiting from scrollable content window will now center properly.
- Car info modal window scales for lower vertical resolution screens.
- PB grid now supports deleting entries and starts from a zoomed-out state.
- Added a zoom toggle button to the PB grid.
- Ghostcar toggling fixed.
- Warning for dual gpu users added when the launcher has been set to start with a discrete GPU.
- Stricter thread and file permission checking.
- Potential fix for flickering of modal windows in some setups.
- Potential fix for a startup deadlock situation.
- Game-related newsfeed now displays news items inside the launcher added an unread item notification.

Бета-версия Assetto Corsa Early Access доступна для приобретения в сервисе Steam за 599р.
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