» Новости » Игровые новости » iRacing: новый официальный форум

iRacing: новый официальный форум анонсировали список нововведений на официальном форуме пользователей сервиса, которые вступят в силу с первого сентября.

Список изменений:

  • появится рейтинг постов
  • появится возможность использовать подписи с возможностью отключения их отображения
  • введение использования широко распространенных на форумах кодов BB
  • появятся новые смайлики
  • все пользователи смогут создавать голосования
  • расширится личный профиль на форуме
  • появится отображение статуса пользователей (онлайн/оффлайн)
  • все обсуждения, где последний ответ был оставлен больше 6 месяцев назад, будут удалены
  • исправления на сайте пользователей сервиса
В связи с нововведениями официальный форум iRacing и сайт пользователей сервиса будут недоступны 1 сентября примерно с 19:00 до 21:00 по московскому времени.

Оригинальный список изменений:

Post Ratings
- You can now rate each post in the forums from 1 to 5 stars
- Your average post rating (ratings you have received from other members) will be displayed in profile box next to each of your posts

- You can add your own customized signature to be displayed with your posts.
- gif images cannot be used in signatures
- signatures bigger than 700px x 128px will be truncated in the signature area.
- you can choose to not see any signatures in the forums

BB Codes
- Ability to imbed YouTube videos directly in a post
- google search phrases
- Quotes, Code, URL, and text formatting tags.

-You can choose from a variety of smilies to insert into your posts

-You can attach up to three items on each post - no need to “reply to self” 
-Attached images will be displayed as a preview thumbnail image (clicking on image will open full image in new browser)
-Attached files will provide a download icon with the file name and description of the attachment

Quick Reply
-You can now post a quick reply in any thread. It is a text entry area at the bottom of the page that allows you to post in a thread without it actually being a response to another poster.

-All members can now create polls. When creating a new thread, you have the ability to add an optional poll

Your profile can now contain the following information (if you provide this information it will be available to all members)
-Aim username, allows other members to click on your aim icon and easily add it to their chat client
-MSN Messenger username, allows other members to click on your msn icon and easily add it to their chat client
-Yahoo Messenger username
-Your website – creates a link that will go directly to the website you specify
-Biography area , provides an area to add information about yourself

Online Status
-There is an online status indicator in the new forums. This is not in any way tied into the online status indicator of the member site.
-You can choose to hide your online status in the forums profile section.

Purging Old Posts
Threads that go 6 months without a new reply or update will be purged from the system.

*** Archived Forums *** - the forum software we are replacing.
The current forum will become an archive for a limited time. All categories in the original forums will be set to READ ONLY.

*** Member Site Updates ***

Hosted Sessions Joining / Withdrawing
We fixed a bug that was preventing people from rejoining hosted sessions in some instances. This area has been the source of a lot of confusion so let’s take the opportunity to explain how it works now …
-    The host is no different than any other hosted session participant with regard to ability to register/withdraw/rejoin a session.
-    If you withdraw from a practice-only session you will be allowed to re-register for the session if a pit is available and registration is still open. With these types of sessions pits are relinquished as drivers withdraw so if you see that there is room in the pits taken column you should be good to go (with the caveat that there is a cache delay which means that somebody withdrawing from a session will not be immediately reflected in the pits taken column on the hosted sessions page even if you refresh).
-    If you withdraw from a session that has a race component you will be allowed to re-register as long as registration is still open. With these types of sessions pits are not relinquished as drivers withdraw so you will be allowed to jump back in.

We advise that if you are the host of a session that includes a race component and you intend to race you should register as soon as you create the session to reserve your spot.

Driving School
-Fixed buttons to launch into the sim directly from the driving school.

Personal Stats Page
-Fixed Last 10 Races section to not display gross club points for rookie races.

Language Support
-The following documents have been translated to Chinese
Quick Start Guide, User Guide, Sporting Code, Centripetal Circuit Guide, The World Cup, The Nascar Pro Series DWC, The Road Racing Pro Series DWC.

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